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Brockley Primary School

‘The Brockley Way – Only My Best is Good Enough’

Arts Mark

Online Safety and Behaviour in School

It has come to our attention that many Y6 children (and below) have their own mobile telephones and, as technology develops, so their use of it changes. Unfortunately, we have been made aware of a few incidents of inappropriate language being sent to each other as comments as part of a Y6 group chat group. Whilst these incidents are happening outside school, it has become clear that one or two of these issues are beginning to affect relationships in school and therefore the ability to learn.

Apps such as TikTok and WhatsApp have age restrictions as a guide to appropriate and legal
ages that young people should have accounts. TikTok minimum age is 13+ although it does have a “restricted” option where children can create videos but not post them, and they can view only  videos deemed appropriate for children. This maybe something that you would like to consider using for your child/children. Interestingly, WhatsApp minimum age changed from 13+ to 16+ in May 2018.

We regularly talk to all the children about staying safe online and appropriate behaviour online. We always reiterate the need to behave in the same way as you would face to face (kind and respectful) when communicating online via whatever means, be it text messages, social media platforms, voice messages or games consoles.

The best advice that we are given by the police and other agencies working with children around online safety is to regularly talk to your children about their online use and to check devices (and let them know that you are checking it). Whenever possible, have an open door policy to use of technologies in your house – i.e. anyone could come into the room at any time whilst they are on their devices.

Please do be vigilant when your children are playing games or communicating with each other
and do also let us know if there is anything we can do to help or visit our school Safeguarding webpage: Safeguarding - Brockley Primary School
