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Brockley Primary School

‘The Brockley Way – Only My Best is Good Enough’

Arts Mark

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors aka Kindness Crew

Kindness Crew aka Anti Bullying 


At Brockley we believe  young people have the power to change the world for the better.

That’s why we encourage children to lead committees and clubs across the school. 

Ask to speak to our Kindness Crew Leaders to find out more about their roles and how they help others around school.


Sienna, Khaleesi and Ava took part in The Kindness Ambassador Zoom Meeting. With forty other schools the girls shared all the activities and actions they have carried out across school. They discussed how at Brockley the children have roles across lunchtimes and help the younger children. The have set up a display board 'What we Love about Brockley' where everyone can share why we're a kind school.

They demonstrated our #bekind (heart emoji) that we all use when we're talking about The Brockley Way.

The team are busy developing a 'Rainbow Bench' where you can sit with a member of Kindness Crew and share your worries or find someone to play with.



This year we have taken part in Anti Bullying Week and offered workshops for the adults at home, the children and our community through COMPASS - Changing Lives Team. 


Anti Bullying Week at Brockley 2023

We hosted a Parents Anti Bullying Workshop on Wednesday with COMPASS.


Y6 completed Consent Anti bullying Training through the Diana Award.


As a whole school, we hosted Anti Bullying Week when our children spent the week discussing what bullying is, how it feels and what to do if they see it happening to others or they experience bullying.

All schools experience friendship issues usually because of rough play issues or a misunderstanding, that does not mean it’s bullying but it can start to look like bullying.

Has this happened more than once?

Was it on purpose?

Did they mean to hurt or harm?

If the children answer yes to any of these questions, we would actively encourage them to seek help from their trusted adult.


We do not tolerate bullying at Brockley



On the 01.02.23 – 20 children from Elephant Class at Brockley Primary School completed their training to be ambassadors. Speak to the children to find out about their campaign to stop bullying and ensure everyone is kind.
