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Brockley Primary School

‘The Brockley Way – Only My Best is Good Enough’

Arts Mark

School Council

School Council News 2024



We are delighted to have elected Brockley's School Council 2024.




Katie is School Leader for School Council 2024-2025


School Council meet every Tuesday lunchtime with Mrs Elliott and are busy planning for the year ahead.


What's on our Agenda?

School Dinners

Mrs Rodgers gave us the task of trying to improve the uptake of school dinners. We decided the options of pasta pots, jacket potatoes and sandwiches would be a great idea. We got together and decided some fillings such as tuna mayo pasta, cheese and beans jacket potatoes and chicken salad sandwiches. Then, we met with Mrs Chapman and Mrs Yapp who thought our ideas were brilliant! We also had the idea of a self-serve salad bar. Mrs Rodgers LOVED our ideas and we are going to present it to the rest of the school on Friday during whole school assembly.


Breakfast Club 

We are delighted to announce we are set to become a Gregg's Breakfast Club school! Please see the link for more information:  

Greggs Foundation Breakfast Clubs

We have lots of work to do such as managing a budget, completing market research and working alongside Mrs Shirley and Miss Bradley who run our Breakfast Club every day. We are excited to get cracking!




National Children’s Parliament

Following the world-record-breaking success of the COP26 Climate Change Debate we are proud to announce the next meeting of the National Children’s Parliament:


“How Do We Make the World a Safer Place?”

Thursday 26th May 2023


5pm Online Via Microsoft Teams

Our inaugural event involved over 270 child MP’s debating relevant climate change issues, with contributions from Prime Minister Boris Johnson, House of Commons Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle and David Davis MP.  The final report was presented to the Prime Minister by our patron Katie Amess and members of the Children’s Parliament:

As headteacher champion for this incredible event, we are delighted to announce that a child in Y4 and Y5 will take part in this very important event.



