School Meals
Cooked meals are provided in the school’s kitchen and as from September 2023 the cost for all junior aged children (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6) is £3.25 per day. Payment for the week’s meals should be made on Monday. If school is not open on a Monday or your child is absent, payment should be made on the first day of the week that your child attends. It is also possible to pay for each half term; the amount can be obtained from the School Office.
Children are also allowed to bring packed lunches to eat during lunchtime. Please ensure these are securely packed and marked with the child’s name. Here at Brockley we have introduced a flexible dinning system where you and your child can look through the current menu and decide which days they would like a meal and which days they will bring a packed lunch. The menus are organised in a four week block, rotating each four weeks. The office staff will then mark the register each week with days your child is taking a cooked meal. Please speak to the school office staff for more information on this system.
If you wish your child to change to or from school lunches, please give notice to the School Office, meals must be ordered with the kitchen by 10am daily.
The school dinner menu is posted on our FB page and is also sent out via email weekly. Please see attached for the weekly menu.
Autumn & Winter Menu 2024/2025
Special Theme Dinner Days November 2024 to March 2025

Break Times
The eating of unhealthy snacks and sweets at break-times is not permitted. Fruit and healthy snacks are made available to children, who have forgotten their snacks.
Universal free school meals…
As I am sure you are all aware from September 2014 all infant aged children (Reception, Years 1 and 2) will receive their midday school meal free of charge. The Catering Service assure us that this will be the exact same high standard, nutritionally based and balanced meal served throughout the majority or primary schools in Derbyshire. Should your child have any specific food allergies, a doctors letter is required to ensure the Catering Staff can account for this on a daily basis. Any special food requirements will need to be authorised via a meeting with the Catering Staff before we can take any action.
Free school meals…
Could your children be entitled to free school meals? If you are on the following benefits, you will be able to claim a meal for your children:
- Income support
- Income based Job Seekers Allowance or an Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Child Tax Credit Only (with a family income of less than £16,190)
- National Asylum Seekers Support
- Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit
- Employment and Support Allowance
You can’t get free school meals if you are claiming Working Tax Credit.
It’s easy to apply at or ask the school office for a form or phone the free school meals team on 01629 536481.