Brockley Primary School Governance
Annual Governance Statement for the Governing Body of
Brockley Primary School to July 2024
Governance Arrangements
The name of the school is Brockley Primary School
The school is a Community School
3. The name of the governing body is "The governing body of Brockley Primary School."
4. The governing body shall consist of:
a. 2 - Parent governors
b. 1 - LA governor
c. 1 - Staff governor
d. 1 - Headteacher
e. 4 - Co-opted governors
5. Total number of Board Members - 9
6. The term of office of all categories is 4 years.
7. Clerk to Governors in post
The Governing Body of Brockley School
In accordance with the Government’s requirement for all governing bodies, the three core strategic functions of Brockley Primary School Governing body are:
1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
2. Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.
3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
The Governing Body has a programme of meetings throughout the year and a structure that focuses on specific areas of governance
An application has been received by DCC for an LA Governor and is currently going through their appointment process
As at July 2024 the Board has 8 members.
Attendance Record of Governors
All meetings were well attended and any apologies accepted.
Meetings were quorate which ensured that decisions could be made.
Governor FGB Attendance July 2021 to September 2022
Governor FGB Attendance September 2022 to July 2023
Governor FGB Attendance September 2023 to July 2024
Governor FGB Attendance September 2024 to July 2025
The work we have done and the Governing Body meetings
The DfE issued legislation requiring schools to join a Multi Academy Trust. The Board, following intensive research and meetings and having completed Due Diligence, submitted an application to join the Embark MAT at Easter. A decision has not yet been received
Pupil Attainment and Progress
The Headteacher reported on pupil attainment and progress to the Governing Bodies meetings based on assessments provided by the teaching staff.
Data Performance tables were received and scrutinised by the Board
Monitoring Activities
- SATs Key Stage 2
- SATs Key Stage 1
- Review of School Development Plan with External Advisor, Head and subject leads with a focus on reading and phonics (9.10.23)
- Review of School Improvement Plan with External Advisor, Headteacher and subject leads with a focus on writing and phonics (5.12.23)
- Review of School Improvement Plan with External Advisor, Headteacher and subject leads with a focus on English, writing and maths (25.04.24)
- Review of SEND
- Staff meeting for book review of non-core subjects
- HTPM annual review
- Review of SEND policy and process
- Modern foreign languages
- Cyber Awareness
- School Complaints
- Online Safety
Financial review
Budget updates presented at each Full Governing Body meetings for review and challenge.
Policy review
The Board has approved or reapproved, following review 63 policies. These are included on the school’s website
The Governing Board – July 2024
Caroline Rodgers – Headteacher/Ex-Officio |
Linda Mosley – Chair of Governors/Co-opted | 05/10/2025 |
Elton Sperring – Vice Chair of Governors/Co-opted | 22/11/2025 |
Sarah Wheeldon – Staff Governor | 05/10/2025 |
Hannah Marriott - Co-opted Governor | 24/04/2027 |
Karen Lumb – Parent Governor | 24/04/2027 |
Gavin Lyons – Parent Governor | 25/01/2027 |
Donna Hales – Co-opted Governor | 11/12/2025 |
Vacancy – LA Governor |
Isobel Sperring – Clerk to Governors |
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