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Brockley Primary School

‘The Brockley Way – Only My Best is Good Enough’

Arts Mark

Uniform Information


Brockley Primary School’s

Uniform 2024-2025


We would advise that all children come prepared for outdoor/all weather play. Children have access to all school wellies which are accessible and available to all children at all times. Children will be encouraged to wear wellies when they’re playing during wet or muddy times however, children will be responsible for managing their own outdoor clothing.


Children should also bring name labelled coats, hats, scarves and gloves during winter months. Where possible, please send your child with splash suits or waterproof trousers.


During warmer weather, children will need sun cream and sun hats.


As a result of playing outside in all weathers, children will likely become muddy. We will endeavour to reduce this as much as possible however, we do encourage free play.


There is no stipulation as to where these items are purchased from

Children to wear

Grey or black trousers or jogging bottoms suitable for outdoor play 

White or red polo shirt

Red pullover, sweatshirt and/or fleece jackets

Grey or black skirt, trousers or pinafore (smart shorts are permitted in the summer)


Footwear must be suitable for outdoor play in all weathers.


During summer children are permitted to wear, a red and white gingham check dress and grey or black shorts or jogging shorts.


P.E (Should be worn as per your child’s timetable)

White t-shirt

Black shorts

Plimsolls for indoor P.E

Black jogging bottoms and sweatshirt for outdoor PE (optional)

Trainers for outdoor P.E

All clothing should be labelled with your child’s name


In accordance with Brockley Primary School’s adopted policy (please refer to the policies page) there is an expectation that all children will wear the uniform with pride. If your child is unable to wear the uniform for a short period of time due to a change or problem at home or due to a sensory issue then please inform contact the SENCo or the office who will do their best to help you.


Please note if your child does not have the correct uniform on for school we will provide the item.

For families struggling to purchase clothing including coats and shoes – please speak to Mrs Rodgers in confidence. We are able to help.


Earrings and Sports

With regards PE, children with pierced ears must remove earrings in accordance with Sport England and Derbyshire County Council’s Best Practice. There is an expectation that children must be able to remove their earrings independently on the day, not wear them at all or provide micro-tape/plasters from home to cover the earrings if this is not possible because they are newly pierced.


For children taking part in swimming lessons – earrings must be removed or your child will be unable to take part in the session. This is a requirement of Derbyshire County Councils’ policy.

In the event that a child suffers an injury as a result of wearing earrings then school cannot be held responsible.


Logo Uniform                

A wide range of uniform items, embroidered with the school logo, are on sale in school.  Orders can be placed direct with the supplier, please use the link below.  Once on the supplier website use the main menu to search for the shop school wear option and look for our school logo, here you will find a selection of uniform available to order.  Items can be purchased direct with the supplier and delivered to school or your home address


Logo Leisurewear - click here to order school uniform direct from the supplier
