Healthy Living & Healthy Minds
Mrs Rodgers is a qualified and accredited Mental health First Aider
Snack time information and ideas
At BPS we recognise the importance of a healthy lifestyle and diet and understand that establishing a balanced diet in childhood helps to promote healthy eating habits for life.
We encourage all children to bring in a healthy snack for morning break.
Below is a list of healthy snack suggestions to give an idea of what to send in with your child.
- Fruit and vegetables
- Granola bars
- Rice cakes
- Malt loaf
- Cheese and crackers
- Yogurt
- Unsalted popcorn
All children have access to a fresh fruit choice at break times.
Children should not be bringing in chocolate bars, sweets or crisps.
Please click here for further healthy snack ideas.
Scan, Swipe and Swap your way to better health!
The free NHS Food Scanner app is a handy tool for families that helps them to swap unhealthy foods that are high in saturated fat, sugar and salt, to healthier choices.
Download the Food Scanner app on the Apple app store or Google Play store.
We really appreciate the support of all our parents and carers with this
Emotional health and mental wellbeing affect all aspects of our lives and health choices.
Mental well-being is about feeling good and functioning well, as individuals and as communities. It is also about our ability to cope with life’s challenges and making the most of life’s opportunities.
The website has been designed collaboratively by professionals who work across Derby & Derbyshire to help plan and deliver care & support for people who are feeling stressed, anxious or depressed, or just want to feel happier.
Please take the time to watch the video and listen to the important messages delivered by the children on Brockley!
This signposting service is aimed at professionals, members of the public and children and young people who wish to access local services or just require further information on the services that are available to them both locally and nationally.
The four elements of the website focus on Children and Young People, Adults, Suicide Prevention and Neurodiversity.