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Brockley Primary School

‘The Brockley Way – Only My Best is Good Enough’

Arts Mark




Guidance links to the DfE for parents

Working together to improve school attendance (applies from 19 August 2024) (


The Governing Body and Headteacher of Brockley Primary School are committed to improving outcomes for all children. Attendance at school and being on time everyday  has a huge impact on a child’s learning and helps to ensure personal success.


Whilst the Governing Body and Headteacher will do everything they can to support families struggling with attendance and lateness it must also be understood that as part of the monitoring procedures parents and carers may receive a sternly worded letter informing them of their child’s late and/or absent rate. This letter is a statutory requirement.


The letter will invite you to attend a meeting with the Headteacher to discuss any problems you may be experiencing and share ideas  in which we can work together to achieve an acceptable level of attendance.


Staff are here to help you and may suggest:

  •  Joining Breakfast Club (Available daily 8am until 8:40am) 

  • Providing contact details of an external local provider to help with work commitments

  • Providing contact details of a local child minder to help with work commitments

  • Referral to School Health where on going illness is a recurring issue

  • To discuss possible external agencies and the help they can offer

  • Support with transport (If eligible)


Please speak to the Headteacher in the strictest confidence.


The DfE have produced an Attendance Toolkit: Working together to improve school attendance (



Absence During Term-Time (August 2024)

I would like to clarify the school’s position regarding holiday or leave of absence during term time.

Authorising absence is a policy decision. I have to work within the policy adopted by the Local authority and school. All school absence is a serious matter monitored by the LA, Education Welfare department and Ofsted and all school procedures are checked regularly.


Holidays are NOT permitted in term time. Requesting holidays because it is cheaper to go in term time is not a valid reason, neither are celebrations abroad considered a necessity.


Taking holidays in term time mean children quickly fall behind with their work and may require extra support to catch up.


Please read the following information carefully and be very clear of the possible sanctions should you go on holiday during term-time. 


This flow chart makes clear our expectations and the framework we will adhere to.


If after careful consideration you decide to go on holiday you will need to submit a Leave of Absence Request Form at least 14 days before you travel. You can either download it from here or request a paper copy from the office.




