After-School Clubs and Advice
After School Clubs for Spring 1 starting from 16/01/23.
Unfortunately. due to lack of numbers and demand some clubs have been withdrawn for the spring term.
Y6 Booster Mrs Rodgers and Mrs Bradley
Y2 Booster Mrs Goodison and Miss Jarvis
All classes Film Club Mr Brightman
KS2 Choir Miss Duroe and Mrs Bradbrook = No places until after Young Voices Concert in February
Y6 Booster Mrs Wall and Miss Chapman
No Club available
Y2 Booster Miss Lomas
- Please contact the teacher directly if you would like to enquire about booking a place.
- If your child already attends a club and you have not been contacted then the club continues as usual for your child.
If you require further after-school support then the link below may help.