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Brockley Primary School

‘The Brockley Way – Only My Best is Good Enough’

Arts Mark

Behaviour - The Brockley Way

Dear Brockley Families,

Our aim is to establish the highest possible standards of behaviour at Brockley Primary School by working together - The Brockley Way.

At Brockley we feel that a positive peer culture is an important factor in a child's success at school - learning from each other and being good role models can have a huge influence on others. If our children value the culture of hard work and good behaviour, they will learn more and go on to have improved life opportunities and greater choices. Unsurprisingly, research has shown that children who complete their homework, put effort into tasks, are motivated, have good attitudes and make better progress.

The converse is true. Where there is a culture of failure or of opting out, this needs to be turned around, so that working hard and achieving our individual best is seen as desirable. It is also important that the school is always a warm, caring, friendly and happy place where learning can flourish, and children can succeed - The Brockley Way.

Childrens’ behaviour around the school should be impeccable; staff work hard to reinforce these expectations - The Brockley Way; every lesson should be characterised by a relentless focus on learning, free from distractions. Every child and member of staff should be able to feel relaxed and happy, confident that their working environment is one where people are kind, courteous and respectful at all times - The Brockley Way.

We have very high expectations of our children and a belief that every child is capable of meeting them.
The rules are there because we need them to help everyone ensure learning can happen in the best possible
conditions for all children. Everyone in our community must follow the rules so that the systems work, it is fair to all, and everyone benefits - The Brockley Way.

Our behaviour for learning system is based on the principle that, once children know the rules and the consequences,
they can make the right choices for themselves and for others. When children thrive at school and at home,
it is usually because the boundaries are very clear and there are clear consequences if they stray beyond
them. Clear boundaries and discipline are completely compatible with a caring and happy atmosphere full of
humour and love - The Brockley Way.

At school, in every situation where there are rules, children either choose to follow them or they make a
choice to break them and face the consequences. The rules have to be clear, and the consequences need to
be consistent for this to work and that is our aim in implementing this system - The Brockley Way.

Please encourage your child to follow The Brockley Way and be the best they can, by working together our children can excel and flourish.

If you have any concerns about behaviour at Brockley, please speak to a member of the team.


Many thanks for your continuing support.

