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Brockley Primary School

‘The Brockley Way – Only My Best is Good Enough’

Arts Mark

Boundaries Respect and Behaviour

At Brockley Primary School we teach respect, kindness and honesty.

We expect everyone to respect each others boundaries and follow The Brockley Way!

We educate our youngest children about consent using the NSPCC Pants are private Let's talk PANTS | NSPCC

We educate our older children through the Diana Award Consent training and PHSE Matters Scheme of Work

The Diana Award (

Item 9 PSHE Matters and Religious Education.pdf (


We encourage children to treat each other with respect and kindness and we ask you to reinforce this message at home. By ensuring your child understands boundaries and what is unacceptable we can drastically reduce the incidents we are experiencing in school.

Understanding the issues and risks

Schools are increasingly concerned about the impact of online influencers that promote misogynistic rhetoric. This content can be permissive of: discriminatory behaviours and attitudes (including racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, transphobic, and misogynistic attitudes); sexual harassment and abuse; abuse in relationships; and victim-blaming narratives.

Addressing these issues through KS1 and KS2 PSHE education

Tips for laying the foundations at key stages 1 and 2:
  • With younger pupils, the aim is to develop respectful attitudes by focusing on learning that supports inclusion and belonging rather than covering specific types of discrimination, such as misogyny.
  • At key stage 1 this might include exploring how everyone is equal and deserves to be treated with respect. Also, recognising and celebrating people’s similarities and differences.
  • This may extend to learning about stereotypes in early key stage 2, including gender stereotypes and how these can be unfair.
  • Then at upper key stage 2, pupils could explore how these stereotypes can have negative effects on a person’s behaviour, aspirations, and feelings about themselves.
  • Teaching should also reflect younger children’s early experiences online and begin to develop digital literacy skills to identify trusted sources, false information, and negative influences.
  • This will all help to prepare pupils for more specific learning about discrimination (including discrimination based on gender) in the later primary years and in secondary school, as they access digital platforms with increasing independence.

If you have any concerns about the issues raised in this email please contact your child's teacher or the Headteacher to discuss them further.
