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Brockley Primary School

‘The Brockley Way – Only My Best is Good Enough’

Arts Mark

Household Fund Support - Applications now open

As part of the Council’s HSF4 distribution plans, we are pleased to be able to re-open our Children's Professionals Grants for Families route as of 11 May.

The Household Support Fund (HSF) is a grant that has been awarded to Councils by the DWP (Department for Work and Pensions) to help vulnerable families and households facing financial hardship to help pay for food, energy and essential living costs. The HSF has now been extended for a year up to the end of March 2024 and is referred to as ‘HSF4’.

Each family/household can access a max of 3 HSF grant payments between now and March 2024 via the Children’s Professionals route.

The Derbyshire Discretionary Fund Team will also be issuing HSF grants (max of 3 in a rolling 12 month period to all household types), but in a change from previous schemes, awards via DDF will NOT count towards the max of 3 available via the CS Pros route (and vice versa).

Please read the updated guidance and FAQs.

 What and who is the funding for?

ANY family can apply for the fund you do not need to be in receipt of benefits to access it.


The DWP guidance states “essential living costs” may include, but are not limited to, support with other bills, including broadband or phone bills, clothing, and essential transport-related costs such as recurring or distant hospital appointments or repairing a car need to get to work/getting children to school, buying a bicycle or paying for fuel.

Although housing is covered by the fund, we are not asking staff to make assessments and award funds for housing because HSF funds have been awarded to district and borough councils for this purpose.

The fund can also be used to pay for essential white goods such as washing machines, freezers etc but if a family you are working with needs these items and cannot pay for them, you should ideally refer them to the Derbyshire Discretionary Fund (DDF) for a more in-depth assessment to access the existing Exceptional Pressure Grant scheme.

If you would like to discuss or apply for the fund then please get in touch with Mrs Rodgers.
