Kindness - Nominations Open Now
Kindness Crew leaders took part in The Kindness Ambassador Zoom Meeting this week.
With forty other schools the crew shared all the activities and actions they and other children have carried out across school. They discussed how at Brockley the children have roles at lunchtimes and help the younger children.
They have set up a display board 'What we Love about Brockley' where everyone can share why we're a kind school.
They demonstrated our #bekind (heart emoji) that we all use when we're talking about The Brockley Way.
They've designed and printed posters about being kind and following The Brockley Way.
The team are busy developing a 'Rainbow Bench' where you can sit with a member of Kindness Crew and share your worries or find someone to play with.
Is there someone at Brockley you think deserves a kindness award? There are four categories:
Kind pupil
Kind Staff
Kind Class
Kind School
If you would like to make a nomination, then visit: