Safer Parking at Brockley Gates
Safer Parking at Brockley Primary School Gates
Driving children to school is seen as the most convenient choice for parents with busy lives. Many parents take the view that by driving their children to school they are keeping them safe. Yet the combination of each individual decision means an increase in vehicle traffic and congestion particularly at the school gate. This has in recent days caused accidents, fall outs and dangerous situations that could have caused injury or even death to a member of our community.
Many children now miss out on the opportunity to develop vital road safety skills with their parents on the way to school. They fail to build up confidence and learn the ability to manage risk walking around their local community.
Walking can improve overall fitness levels in children and adults. It is a cheap low impact way to exercise. Getting active in our daily lives can have a big impact on health issues such as obesity.
We realise that there are some parents/carers who have no alternative but to drive their children to school, however, many are driving short distances where walking is a real option.
Even those who have to drive to school can do their bit by parking away from the school entrance and walking for part of the journey.
What can you do to help keep everyone safe around the school gates?
Please don’t:
Block the road - emergency vehicles and other traffic may need access
Park on yellow lines, zig-zags or block the school entrance
Park on the pavement, across dropped kerbs or residents’ driveways
Park opposite or within 10 metres of a junction
Park where you will cause inconvenience to other road users
Leave your vehicle with the engine still running
Stop in the middle of the road to drop your child off, even for a few seconds
Shout or be abusive to local residents if you encounter any issues please report them to school or CREST Home | CREST Derbyshire
Yellow zig-zag lines
Please be aware that the yellow zig-zag lines outside schools indicate the length of road where stopping or waiting is strictly prohibited.
Double yellow lines
Double yellow lines mean no waiting at any time and there are no excuses for the majority of road users.
The only exceptions are for disabled badge holders who are legally entitled to park up on the road where double yellows are painted.
These changes make a real difference to the congestion around schools, making the school run less stressful and far safer for everyone.